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Till We Meet You In Israel!


Till We Meet You In Israel!

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Below are resources you can watch to prepare for our trip. 
As one of our tour participants, you can download any or all of these resources for free. 

(We would ask you not to freely share these download links with others, as there is normally a cost to buy them)

The Soul Shepherd

The Bible calls us sheep.  How are we all "like sheep who have gone astray"? What does the Bible mean when it calls Jesus "the Shepherd of our Souls"?

The Sacrifice

What was the sacrificial system in the Old Testament all about?  Why did God require animals to be sacrificed?  Why are sacrifices no longer needed?

Jericho Unearthed

The walls of Jericho came tumblin' down, but what caused them to fall?  Does archaeology agree with the Biblical account of Joshua and Jericho?

The Jesus Tomb Unmasked

Is the resurrection history or myth?  Could it be true that the bones of Jesus of Nazareth have really been found?   And, what are the consequences if they have?

Over 4,000 years of history have played out on this one particular spot, a location specifically chosen by God to accomplish His sovereign purposes.

The Bible calls us "sheep".  As sheep we have the ability to follow and obey or to  turn our own way.  However, going our own way is to our disaster.  

This video short gives you a bird's-eye view of some of the tels of the ancient Biblical cities scattered throughout Israel. 

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." (Heb. 4:7) This verse quotes Psalm 95:7-8, "For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts..."

The Old City is a no fly zone. However, we received special permission and had one take at flying over the Old City.  We couldn't see what the camera saw due to a monitor malfunction, but here is what we captured.


The oldest inscription of the name "Yahweh" is found on a pillar in the temple of Amenhotep III in Upper Egypt (modern day Sudan). Listen to Joel teaching about the profound significance of this inscription and the name, "Yahweh".

He is the Potter, I am the clay. And what is the outcome of yielding myself to His care, His control, His concentration, His pressure? It is His delighted satisfaction! May you be blessed as you yield to the Potter, your Master Creator.

The topography of this biblical area as it was in the time of Abraham:  ridges, valleys and hills which have changed very little over several thousand years and which are the landscapes for the stories of Abraham and Isaac, King David and Christ.

As you watch, ponder the metaphor of our human souls as sheep needing the care of a shepherd. Let the visuals and scriptures help you see more clearly your relationship with "our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep". (Hebrews 13:20) 

The Elah Vally Panorama

The valley where David fought Goliath

The City of Shechem Panorama

The place where Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well.

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